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We are always looking for ways to be more organized, and we want to share our ideas with you.

Are you a planner, a todo-lister, a tidy-upper? If you are at least one of these things, you might be an organized person. This is a great thing because you know how beneficial it is to organize your life. We get the satisfaction of feeling in control and that it will remain organized forever. Continue Reading...
Disorganization can add a lot of extra weight to an already stressful life. I have come to find this through many failed attempts to organize my home and my life. I’ve noticed that when I forgo my organizational habits my days are always a little bit harder, more stressful and messier! From my Continue Reading...
Getting organized isn’t a one-time task; it’s something that has to be done every day. It’s something that is built upon constantly. As I try to keep my home more organized, I’ve noticed that if I don’t build on the progress that I make one day, everything will be for not the next! Clutter just Continue Reading...
Have a hard time organizing your garage? Or you simply don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. By helping you map out “Zones” in your garage, you’ll get started in no time. No one throws a pile of books on any library shelf, right? Each book is categorized and placed in their own section. That’s Continue Reading...