Garage Storage Solutions for Parking Inside
11/13/2014With winter upon us, you desperately want your car to sleep in the warmth of your garage. Your tools, sporting equipment, lawn care items, Christmas decorations and old trophies are taking up precious space. Take back your life with some simple garage storage solutions! It might seem overwhelming, but these four steps are a breeze.
Consider Your Clutter:You know you have items in your garage that you haven’t used in years. Everyone does. Look around, do you really need that bent tire or broken power tool? Probably not. Maybe your items are attached to cherished memories. Put those items in the “keep” pile. Some items will require you to ask a very serious question: “Will I use this again?” If the item you are holding has a thick layer of dust on it, the answer is probably no.
Use Forgotten Space:How many times have you tripped over something on your garage floor? A few too many? You probably never thought of using your ceiling space as a garage storage solution. Your ceiling is perfect for hanging storage. Your items don’t have to be stored on the ground, which would take away valuable parking space. Use hooks or hanging shelves to get bikes, tools, and boxes off the floor and out of your hair.
Keep It Up: One of the scariest cleaning jobs of your life is over. Now you can see the garage floor. Your car is no longer freezing in the morning and your items are organized. One of the most difficult garage storage solutions is repeating the process. If you organize your garage frequently, the job gets smaller and far less daunting.
Celebrate:You’ve earned it! Treat yourself to your favorite food or activity for your hard work.
Organizing your garage may seem daunting but you can do it! Before you know it, you will have your garage back to keep your car a little warmer this winter.