How to organize the Garage?
08/18/2010The most effective way to organize the garage is to first find out what things you’re going to be storing in the garage and what things you will be getting rid of. We teach that if you haven’t looked for it or used it in 2 years you should sell it or throw it out. Now that you’re ready to get to the garage organizing it is time to choose a way to organize the garage. The most efficient way to organize the garage is to separate your storage into 2 groups, Long term and short term.
Long term storage is defined by anything used 1 to 2 times a year. The most common of these items is Christmas decorations. Storing Christmas items can be challenging because they are usually in big awkward size boxes and if your wife is like mine, she is very good at stuffing the boxes full. The Monkey Bar Storage system allows you to organize without using floor space for something you only use or get down once a year. The 24” deep shelves allow you to store very large boxes at any length for those who have the artificial tree. The Monkey Bar System also holds 1000 lbs every 4 ft.
Short term storage is defined by anything used more than 3 times a year. These are the items that cause the most problems when it comes to garage organizing. The Monkey Bar Storage system is the only garage organizing system to take care of this problem; we can promise you won’t feel like you just wasted a bunch of money. Storing Bicycles, yard tools, golf clubs, ski’s, camping gear, tools, chairs, ladders and Sports equipment has never been easier. Monkey Bars have not found an item we can’t store off the ground, if you can lift it we can store on the Monkey Bar using 1 of 9 special hooks or some of our accessories.
When your ready to get the garage organized the right way using all your space as efficient as possible, check out the Monkey Bar Storage system you won’t be disappointed.