Prepare for Packing Holiday Decorations
12/06/2013We’re in the midst of the holiday season. Getting up in the morning becomes a little bit easier. Driving to work gets a little bit better. The anticipation is apparent and the excitement is thick. But there’s a heavy little cloud hanging over your mistletoe…and that’s the cold hard truth that you’ll eventually have to put all of those decorations away. Come New Years Day, the silver bells and holly wreaths will go back in the storage bin stuffed in your garage. Well, let’s make this a little easier on us and have everything ready to go so that ease of packing holiday decorations will minimize the stinging sadness of the holiday’s end.
Tip #1
Put your normal house decorations in the holiday bins. While your holiday decorations are up, you can put your everyday ones in their storage boxes. That way, when it’s time to switch out, it’ll be an easy trade and you won’t need to bring out more boxes than necessary.
Tip #2
Label your boxes. Chances are you’ll forget what goes where and it’ll waste valuable time pulling the wrong bins. Get your family involved in the labeling. This doesn’t just have to be a one-man job.
Tip #3 Overhead storage is a major bonus when packing holiday decorations for the year. If you get those put in your garage now, then your job has just become 10 times easier. There will be a designated place for the bins and it’ll open up space in your garage.
The anxiety of packing holiday decorations doesn’t have to be so heavy. Just follow these simple tips and you’ll find that the job isn’t that depressing after all!
Photo Credit: here and here.