Thinking About Re-Organizing Your Garage? Ask yourself a few questions.
04/09/2015Winter is over and it’s time to kick-start your spring cleaning! As you make it through the first few weekends cleaning the inside of your home, cleaning seemed all too easy. But then, as you look down your checklist, you see “organize the garage.” With fear in the back of your mind, you peek through your garage door at the mess with only the thought of how many hours it will take you to get your space clean again. Before you begin, here are a few things you should ask yourself before and during your garage organization project:
Do I need everything in my garage?
Many times we use our garage as a place to store anything from old books to baby toys. Think about what items you have and make the needed trips to either the nearest donation center or the nearest garbage center to start clearing up the floor and clearing out the cabinets.
Am I planning on selling my home in the near future?
A pretty odd question to ask at this time of long hours and arduous work right? But, if you are considering moving, think about ways you can add value to your home by working on your garage. By adding a new garage storage system with cabinets and shelves, you can greatly increase the value of your home.
What is the condition of my garage floor? Great, Good, or Poor?
After clearing out your garage, take a close look at your garage floor and look for cracks, stains, and pits (groups of cracks and small holes in your garage). Depending on the damage to your floor you should either look into resurfacing your floor with a new layer of concrete or if you should invest in an epoxy floor. To get the job done right, look for a professional to give you the best and most accurate advice as to what you need to do in your current situation. Keep in mind that resurfacing with concrete allows for the risk of future cracks and pitting while a water and stain proof epoxy floor will keep your garage looking new for many years to come.
Whatever your current situation, you should think about how your garage organization project can most benefit you and your family. Whether you are wanting to add value to your home or simply gain some peace of mind, it is always worth a weekend or two to get your garage looking new again.