4 Safety Tips for Your Garage This Fall
11/01/2013Fall is a magical season of transition. You get a chance to pull out your cozy sweaters and hot cocoa without actually being freezing cold. With Halloween just past fall will be making its way out of our lives. With the colder weather also comes the holiday season. Thanksgiving celebrations full of fun, food and family are just around the corner. As you get your home ready for a turkey filled season don’t forget your garage. We want your holiday season to be a happy and healthy one so we’ve come up with a few safety tips for your garage this fall.
1. Boxes
There is always a lot of digging through boxes during the holiday season. Towers of boxes can be a real danger if they avalanche on the person going through them. Before it gets too cold take some time to organize your things to make it easier on yourself or whoever it is that’s going to be fetching the thanksgiving decorations. Our overhead storage can make organizing safe. The 2 inch safety lip prevents boxes on the bottom row from sliding off when you are retrieving a box on top.
2. Swap Toys
Last but not least to help your children stay safe this winter by swapping out summer toys for winter ones. If the bikes are front and center and sleds are hanging on the wall switch them to make the sleds easier to reach. You don’t want to have your kids climbing over things to get to a sled or snow board because they could get hurt. Our layered rack system is perfect for this just move bikes to the back and bring the sleds and shovels forward.
3. Leaves and Lawn Trimmings
In addition to safety tips for your garage we want to make sure your family stays healthy too. Make sure you properly dispose of any leaves or fall lawn trimmings. Bags of decomposing leaves become a convenient and warm home to a number of rodents large and small. Trust me when I say you don’t want to come face to face with a possum that’s made a home in your garage. In additon, rodent urine and droppings can cause illness that nobody wants or needs during the hectic holiday season.
4. Frying Turkeys
Every thanksgiving you hear some poor family’s house that burned to the ground because dad’s attempt to fry a turkey went horribly, horribly wrong. This is in no way to discourage turkey frying, frying just about anything makes it taste better and turkeys are no exception. These turkey fires usually start in the garage because no one wants to be outside freezing their tail feathers off. If you want to fry indoors that fine but use an electric fryer, this way there is no chance of an open flame starting a grease fire. In addition make sure your turkey is completely thawed or else your entire garage will be a danger zone when frozen bird meets boiling hot grease.
As autumn draws to a close consider these safety tips for your garage so that your family can stay safe. No one wants to organize their garage in the cold so get your garage organized while winter is still a little ways off. If you do your family will stay happy and healthy in your garage this coming holiday season.