The Perfect Garage Sale
04/06/2018One of the first things you do when starting to organize your garage is get rid of the clutter. There’s no reason to hold on to items that are no longer relevant or will never be used. Once you’ve done that, the real question is - What do I do with all this stuff that I don’t want and don’t need?
Especially around this time of year when spring cleaning is in full swing, you probably have a growing “give away” pile. The bigger it gets, the more you don’t know what to do with it.
Consider having a garage sale. What you consider ‘junk’ can become someone else’s treasure. If these items are still usable and in reasonably good shape, you may want to set aside a Saturday morning to sell your stuff. What better way to get rid of your clutter by making a little extra cash at the same time?
Here’s a few steps to follow in order to have the perfect garage sale:
- Make a clear distinction from what is being sold and what is not. You don’t want people perusing around your garage trying to buy things (at a discount) that aren’t for sale. An idea to overcome this is by not having your ‘garage sale’ in your garage. Moving items out into the yard creates a clear line and leaves no room for questions.
- Organize your items into logical categories. Without creating too much work for yourself, make sure your items are easy to find for your buyers. Not many people are willing to dig through boxes of stuff. In fact, most people will do a drive by of the garage sale and determine whether or not it is worth going to from the inside of their car. Make sure that your stuff can easily be seen. A couple of tables or racks could be a good place to display your stuff.
- Have an idea of how much you want to sell items for before customers start asking. Don’t let an item get away for too little, but at the same time, a price that is too high will drive customers away. All in all, be willing and prepared to negotiate a little.
- Let people know. A couple of signs down a main street can go a long way. If you want to be successful, you have to advertise a little! Try getting some of your neighbors to join in too. There’s nothing better for a buyer than to be able to hit up multiple garage sales at the same time.
Make the most of your spring cleaning by doing something with your leftover clutter. Not only will you end up with a beautifully organized garage, but you’ll get to make a little extra cash at the same time.
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