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Hiding Christmas Presents Like A Pro

Hiding Christmas Presents Like A Pro

Christmas season can officially begin! We have survived Black Friday, and *hopefully* scored some great deals on gifts for loved ones. Now it is time to find the perfect hiding place to keep presents away from nosey partners and kids for the next month. Through our own experience we think your garage is your best bet for hiding Christmas presents. We have three products, and many tips to help you make sure your secret stash is safe.

Stackable Shelving

Disguise your gifts so that they blend in with the rest of the storage you keep on your shelves. Keep large gifts in big containers, like a rubbermaid or cooler. Hide smaller gifts in buckets and baskets, and cover with a towel, or some unused rope or hose to throw your family off. If everything is blended well, no one will dig around or suspect a thing.

Overhead Shelves

Our favorite, foolproof hiding place is on our overhead racks. These racks that hang from the ceiling keep the fun surprises out of the way, and out of reach from curious hands. Store gifts in storage bins, and place them on the top shelf with your long term storage. You could even use the same bins your Christmas lights and other decorations have been in. Out of reach means your secret is safe!

Garage Cabinets

Conceal your gifts behind closed cabinet doors. Our cabinet shelves are will not bow or break under pressure, so you can store as many as you want, and even your heaviest gifts will have a safe place. This may seem like an obvious hiding place, but our cabinets lock! As long as you have got the key safe and sound, no one is spoiling their surprise.

Deck the halls of your home without worrying about finding dozens of different hiding places for the gifts you buy this year. Store them all in your garage using these tips, and your family’s Christmas will be full of surprises.