Turn Your Garage Into a Dance Studio
01/05/2015For a lot of girls, dance class plays a huge part in their childhood lives. It usually starts out as one class a week, and then gradually increases if it becomes their passion. Those individuals grow up and become teachers, and the cycle continues. While dance teachers usually find a studio to teach at, it can be beneficial for some to teach from home. If you don’t have a large, spare bedroom, there’s one room that can be the perfect place. Why not consider turning your garage into a dance studio? Here are a few critical steps for getting your studio started.
- Clean Up: Make sure everything is out of the garage. Granted, you’re going to lose a lot of storage space, but with the extra income coming in from teaching, it’s well worth it.
- Insulation/Heat/AC: Don’t let your little kidlets freeze in the studio! You’ve got to make sure there’s adequate insulation in the walls of the garage because usually garages don’t need it. Get a heating and cooling system installed to make the temperature comfortable for your students.
- Flooring: Whether you’re going the hardwood or marley route, make sure your dance flooring is suitable for your specific needs. There are so many options for dance floors, but if expense is an issue, consider the marley initially. You can always upgrade to hardwood later on. Getting your floor installed is one of the most crucial steps to turning your garage into a dance studio.
- Mirrors: You can’t turn your garage into a dance studio without the mirrors! Mirrors are essential for teaching. Your students need to be able to see their body movements and lines in order to improve. At least one wall will need to be completely covered in floor to ceiling length mirrors.
- Lighting: Garages usually only have a couple of lights installed, and they’re not very bright. Consider lightening the place up a bit by getting some more lighting in there. Windows help, but aren’t super useful at night time!
- Cabinets/Sound System: Lastly, you’ll need a nice cabinet to hide that sound system of yours. Garage cabinets are the perfect solution to storing any dance equipment you have. Just get it installed on a wall without any mirrors and you’re good to go.
By following these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to starting out your dream and working from home, all at the same time. Turning your garage into a dance studio is a fantastic way to make some extra income and be your own boss. Dancers, what are you waiting for?